Monday, December 7, 2015

What is persistent in the context of malware or cyber security? (Hindi)

मैलवेयर या साइबर सुरक्षा के संदर्भ में लगातार क्या है?
लगातार - ऑपरेटर्स opportunistically वित्तीय या अन्य लाभ के लिए जानकारी की मांग के बजाय, एक विशेष कार्य को प्राथमिकता देते हैं। यह भेद हमलावरों बाहरी संस्थाओं द्वारा निर्देशित कर रहे हैं कि निकलता है। लक्ष्य-निर्धारण परिभाषित उद्देश्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए सतत निगरानी और बातचीत के माध्यम से आयोजित किया जाता है यह लगातार हमलों और मैलवेयर अपडेट की बौछार मतलब नहीं है। वास्तव में, एक "कम और धीमी गति से" दृष्टिकोण आमतौर पर अधिक सफल होता है ऑपरेटर अपने लक्ष्य के लिए उपयोग खो देता है तो वे आम तौर पर सफलतापूर्वक, सबसे अधिक बार पहुँच reattempt, और होगा। ऑपरेटर के लक्ष्यों में से एक केवल एक विशेष कार्य निष्पादित करने के लिए उपयोग की जरूरत है जो खतरों के विपरीत लक्ष्य करने के लिए लंबी अवधि के उपयोग, बनाए रखने के लिए है

APT: Carbanak (Hindi)

स्थिति: सक्रिय
प्रकार: पिछले दरवाजे
डिस्कवरी: 2014
लक्षित प्लेटफॉर्म: Windows
पहली ज्ञात नमूना: 2013
लक्ष्य की संख्या: 11-100

विशेष लक्षण:
सबसे पहले एपीटी कभी आपराधिक
Carbanak cybergang दुनिया भर में 100 वित्तीय संस्थाओं से $ 1bn चोरी कर रहा था
भूखंड दुर्भावनापूर्ण उपयोगकर्ताओं बैंकों से सीधे पैसे चोरी, और अंत उपयोगकर्ताओं को निशाना बनाने से बचें जहां cybercriminal गतिविधि के विकास में एक नए चरण की शुरुआत के निशान
सबसे बड़ी रकम बैंकों में हैकिंग और प्रत्येक छापे में दस लाख डॉलर तक चोरी करके पकड़ा गया

शीर्ष 10 देशों:
रूस, अमरीका, जर्मनी, चीन, यूक्रेन, कनाडा, ताइवान, हांगकांग, हांगकांग, ब्रिटेन, स्पेन, नॉर्वे, भारत, फ्रांस, पोलैंड, पाकिस्तान, नेपाल, मोरक्को, चेक गणराज्य, स्विट्जरलैंड, बुल्गारिया, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, आइसलैंड, ब्राजील

वित्तीय संस्थानों

APT - Hellsing (Hindi)

स्थिति: सक्रिय
प्रकार: दूरस्थ प्रशासन उपकरण
डिस्कवरी: गर्मी 2014
लक्षित प्लेटफॉर्म: Windows
पहली ज्ञात नमूना: 2012
लक्ष्य की संख्या: 11-100

शीर्ष लक्षित देशों:
मलेशिया, फिलीपींस, भारत, इंडोनेशिया, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका

सरकारी संस्थाओं
राजनयिक संगठनों / दूतावासों

APT: Equation (Hindi)

स्थिति: सक्रिय
प्रकार: परिसर cyberattack मंच
डिस्कवरी: 2014
लक्षित प्लेटफॉर्म: Windows
पहली ज्ञात नमूना: 2002
लक्ष्य की संख्या: 500-1,000

शीर्ष लक्षित देशों:
ईरान, रूस, पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान, भारत, चीन, सीरिया, माली, लेबनान, यमन

विशेष लक्षण:
हार्ड ड्राइव फर्मवेयर को संक्रमित करने की क्षमता
पीड़ितों को संक्रमित करने के लिए "पाबंदी" तकनीक का उपयोग
आपराधिक मैलवेयर के लिए नकल उतार

वित्तीय संस्थानों
परमाणु उद्योग
एकेडेमिया / अनुसंधान
सरकारी संस्थाओं
ऊर्जा, तेल और गैस कंपनियों
राजनयिक संगठनों / दूतावासों
व्यापार एवं वाणिज्य
मास मीडिया और टीवी
उच्च प्रौद्योगिकी कंपनियों

APT:Hacking Team RCS (Hindi)

स्थिति: सक्रियप्रकार: पिछले दरवाजे, ट्रोजन, रूटकिटडिस्कवरी: 2011लक्षित प्लेटफार्म: विंडोज, ओएस एक्स, ब्लैकबेरी, विंडोज मोबाइल, एंड्रॉयड, आईओएसपहली ज्ञात नमूना: 2008लक्ष्य की संख्या: 101-500
टॉप लक्षित देशों:रूस, चीन, इटली, वियतनाम, अमेरिका, तुर्की, इराक, मेक्सिको, जर्मनी, भारत
विशेष लक्षण:"व्यापार करने वाली सरकार" स्पाइवेयरएक पर्सनल कंप्यूटर / मोबाइल डिवाइस का उपयोग किया जाता है किसी भी कार्रवाई की निगरानी कर सकते हैं।कंप्यूटर और मोबाइल उपकरणों के लिए मॉड्यूलयूएसबी फ्लैश ड्राइव के माध्यम से स्व-प्रतिकृतिआभासी ड्राइव पर ऑटोरन फ़ोल्डर में खुद को कॉपी करके आभासी VMware मशीनों का संक्रमणआत्म अद्यतन करने की क्षमतानमूने कानूनी अधिकारियों द्वारा हस्ताक्षर किए हैंयूएसबी केबल के माध्यम से स्थानीय संक्रमण मोबाइल उपकरणों सिंक्रनाइज़ करते समयहर ठोस लक्ष्य के लिए विशिष्ट दुर्भावनापूर्ण प्रत्यारोपणआईओएस मोबाइल मॉड्यूल द्वारा समर्थित कम से कम 39 एप्पल उपकरणोंदोनों जेलब्रेक और गैर जेलब्रेक आईफ़ोन संक्रमित हो सकते हैं: एक हमलावर पहले से ही संक्रमित कंप्यूटर के माध्यम से एक दूरस्थ भागने का संचालन कर सकते हैं
लक्ष्य:कार्यकर्तापत्रकारोंराजनेताआपराधिक संदिग्धों

APT: Cloud Atlas (Hindi)

स्थिति: सक्रिय
प्रकार: ट्रोजन
डिस्कवरी: अगस्त 2014
लक्षित प्लेटफार्म: विंडोज, एंड्रॉयड, आईओएस, लिनक्स
पहली ज्ञात नमूना: 2014
लक्ष्य की संख्या: 11-100

टॉप लक्षित देशों:
रूस, कजाखस्तान, बेलारूस, भारत, चेक गणराज्य

विशेष लक्षण:
CloudAtlas RedOctober हमलों की एक पुनर्जन्म का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है
RedOctober के शिकार लोगों में से कुछ भी CloudAtlas द्वारा लक्षित कर रहे हैं
बादल एटलस और RedOctober दोनों मैलवेयर प्रत्यारोपण एक लोडर और, एन्क्रिप्टेड संग्रहीत और एक बाहरी फ़ाइल में संकुचित है कि एक अंतिम पेलोड के साथ एक समान निर्माण पर भरोसा करते हैं।
CloudAtlas प्रत्यारोपण एक बल्कि असामान्य सी और सी तंत्र का उपयोग - सभी मालवेयर नमूनों एक बादल सेवा प्रदाता से खातों के साथ संवाद।
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट ऑफिस सीधे डिस्क पर एक Windows पीई पिछले दरवाजे लिख नहीं है शोषण। इसके बजाय, यह एक एन्क्रिप्टेड विजुअल बेसिक स्क्रिप्ट लिखता है और इसे चलाता है।

राजनयिक संगठनों / दूतावासों
सरकारी संस्थाओं

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

APT: Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas

DISCOVERY:August 2014
TARGETED PLATFORMS:Windows, Android, iOS, Linux

Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, India, The Czech Republic

Special Features:
CloudAtlas represents a rebirth of the RedOctober attacks.
Some of the victims of RedOctober are also targeted by CloudAtlas.
Both Cloud Atlas and RedOctober malware implants rely on a similar construction, with a loader and a final payload that is stored, encrypted and compressed in an external file.
CloudAtlas implants utilize a rather unusual C&C mechanism - all malware samples communicate with accounts from a cloud services provider.
The Microsoft Office exploit doesn’t directly write a Windows PE backdoor on disk. Instead, it writes an encrypted Visual Basic Script and runs it.

Diplomatic organizations/embassies
Government entities

APT:Hacking Team RCS

Hacking Team RCS

TYPE:Backdoor, Trojan, Rootkit
TARGETED PLATFORMS:Windows, OS X, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Android, iOS

Russia, China, Italy, Vietnam, USA, Turkey, Iraq, Mexico, Germany, India

Special Features:
“Business-to-government” spyware
Can monitor any action performed using a personal computer/mobile device.
Modules for computers and mobile devices
Self-replication via USB flash drive
Infection of virtual VMware machines by copying itself into the autorun folder on the virtual drive
Ability to self-update
Samples are signed by legal authorities
local infections via USB cables while synchronizing mobile devices
Specific malicious implant for every concrete target
At least 39 Apple devices supported by the iOS mobile modules
Both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones can be infected: an attacker can conduct a remote jailbreak through already infected computers

Criminal suspects


STATUS:Inactive since 2012
DISCOVERY:April 2012

India, USA, Western Europe

MacOS X backdoor
SabPub targeted Dalai-Lama and Tibetan community



TYPE:Complex cyberattack platform, Trojan, Rootkit
DISCOVERY:spring of 2012

Top Targeted countries:
Algeria, Afghanistan, Belgium, Brazil, Fiji, Germany, Iran, India, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, Pakistan, Syria, Russia

Special Features:
Regin – the first cyber-attack platform known to penetrate and monitor GSM networks in addition to other “standard” spying tasks.
One particular Regin module is capable of monitoring GSM base station controllers, collecting data about GSM cells and the network infrastructure.
The Regin platform uses an incredibly complex communication method between infected networks and command and control servers, allowing remote control and data transmission by stealth.
Specific Regin targets include individuals involved in advanced mathematical/cryptographical research

Government entities
Multi-national political bodies
Financial institutions
Specific individuals

APT: NetTraveler

TYPE:Cyberespionage toolkit

Top targeted countries:
Mongolia, India, Russia. In total, infections were identified in 40 countries.

Special Features:
The crew behind NetTraveler specifically targets Tibetan/Uyghur activists.
NetTraveler infects high-profile targets: space exploration, nanotechnology, energy production, nuclear power, lasers, medicine and communications.
More than 22 gigabytes of stolen data is stored on NetTraveler’s C&C servers.
Office and Java exploits were used.

Energy, oil and gas companies
Private companies
Government entities
Diplomatic organizations/embassies

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

APT: Equation

TYPE:Complex cyberattack platform

Top Targeted countries:
Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, China, Syria, Mali, Lebanon, Yemen

Special Features:
The ability to infect the hard drive firmware
The use of “interdiction” technique to infect victims
Mimicking to criminal malware.

Financial institutions
Nuclear industry
Government entities
Energy, oil and gas companies
Diplomatic organizations/embassies
Trade and commerce
Mass media and TV
High technology companies

APT - Hellsing

TYPE:Remote administration tool
DISCOVERY:Summer 2014

Top Targeted countries:
Malaysia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, USA

Government entities
Diplomatic organizations/embassies

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

APT: Carbanak


Special features:
First ever criminal APT.
Carbanak cybergang was able to steal $1bn from 100 financial institutions worldwide.
The plot marks the beginning of a new stage in the evolution of cybercriminal activity, where malicious users steal money directly from banks, and avoid targeting end users.
The largest sums were grabbed by hacking into banks and stealing up to ten million dollars in each raid.

Top 10 countries:
Russia, USA, Germany, China, Ukraine, Canada, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, United Kingdom, Spain, Norway, India, France, Poland, Pakistan, Nepal, Morocco, The Czech Republic, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Australia, Iceland, Brazil

Financial institutions

Monday, August 3, 2015

APT: CosmicDuke


Special features:
The TinyBaron/CosmicDuke custom backdoor is compiled using a customizable framework called "BotGenStudio", which has sufficient flexibility to enable/disable components when the bot is constructed.
The attackers use strong self-protection to prevent antimalware solutions from analyzing the implant and detecting its malicious functionality via an emulator. It also complicates malware analysis.
CosmicDuke targets individuals involved in the traffic and selling of illegal and controlled substances. These victims have been observed only in Russia.

Top 10 countries affected:
 Georgia, Russia, USA, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, India, Belarus, Cyprus, Ukraine, Lithuania. Others include Azerbaijan, Greece and Ukraine.

Diplomatic organizations/embassies
Energy, oil and gas companies
Specific individuals

Monday, June 22, 2015

What is persistent in the context of malware or cyber security?

Persistent – Operators give priority to a specific task, rather than opportunistically seeking information for financial or other gain. This distinction implies that the attackers are guided by external entities. The targeting is conducted through continuous monitoring and interaction in order to achieve the defined objectives. It does not mean a barrage of constant attacks and malware updates. In fact, a "low-and-slow" approach is usually more successful. If the operator loses access to their target they usually will reattempt access, and most often, successfully. One of the operator's goals is to maintain long-term access to the target, in contrast to threats who only need access to execute a specific task.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Markandey Katju on Jayalalithaa!

The following comments are made by Mr. Markandey Katju. Please read it and register your views.

"Jayalalitha has been acquited by the Karnataka High Court. I would not like to comment on the verdict as I have not read the judgment. But I would like to say, as I have said earlier also, that she never interfered with my functioning when I was Chief Justice of Madras High Court ( 2004-2005 ) and she was the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, and she always respected the independence of the judiciary. She never asked me to recommend anyone for Judgeship of the High Court, and she never sought to influence the judiciary in any way.Throughout my stay as Chief Justice of Madras High Court I met her only once, and that was at Raj Bhawan when she came to my oath taking ceremony. Thereafter I never met her while I was Chief Justice, as I had made it a strict rule that I will never go to the house or office of any politician as long as I was the Chief Justice. Ministers of both the D.M.K.( which was in power in the Central Govt. as an ally of the Congress ) and A.D.M.K.( which was in power in the state ) would come to meet me at my residence on 17, Greenways Road, to discuss various issues, but I never went to their houses or offices. I told all of them the same thing : that as Chief Justice I would be totally impartial, and so if the law was in their favour the judgment would go in their favour, but if the law was against them it would go against them. While Jayalalitha respected the independence of the judiciary, I regret to say the same cannot be said about the D.M.K. A Union Minister belonging to that party repeatedly met me with a list of names of lawyers whom he wanted recommended for High Court Judgeship. I enquired about these persons, and found that many of them were not even practising lawyers. No doubt they had been enrolled as lawyers many years ago, but they were never seen in law courts, and were probably full time politicians. Obviously if such persons were appointed as Judges they would not be impartial.When I told that Union Minister that I would not recommend the persons in the list he had given me ( and who were all undeserving persons ) he told me that he had given an assurance to these persons that they would become High Court Judges. I told him that he had no business to give such an assurance. He then said that by refusing to recommend his names I was jeopardising my chances of becoming a Supreme Court Judge. I said that indeed I aspired to be a Supreme Court Judge, but for becoming one I would not do wrong things, come what may. The maximum punishment which could be given me was not to allow me to become a Supreme Court Judge, but I was prepared for that punishment.I have always been of the view that a lawyer who is too close to any political party is not fit to be a Judge as he cannot be impartial. So in the list of 20 persons I recommended ( as there were over 25 vacancies in the High Court at that time ) there was no one close to D.M.K. or A.D.M.K.or any other political party. And I must say to the credit of Jayalalitha that she never objected to the names I recommended, although there was no lawyer belonging to, or close to, the ADMK in my list. She approved all the names I recommended.The DMK was very annoyed that I had not recommended anyone in the list their Minister had given me, and they stalled appointments of the persons I had recommended for over 6 months. They could do that as in the UPA Congress did not have a majority in Parliament, and was dependent on its allies, of which the DMK was a big one, for survival. Ultimately it was only when a PIL was filed and orders issued by the Supreme Court that the appointments could be made.As I said before, apart from our meeting at Raj Bhawan at my oath taking, I never met Jayalaitha during my term as Chief Justice of Madras High Court. It was much later when I came to Chennai for some function ( in 2012 or so, after I had retired from the Supreme Court ) ) that I sought an appointment with her, and met her at her office in the Secretariat. I had gone to meet her to request her to give an allowance to retired High Court Judges of Madras High Court for engaging a servant ( as I had got done for retired Judges of Allahabad High Court ).I arrived punctually on time, and was taken straight to her office. which was perhaps on the second floor. There was no politician apart from herself in the room, but there were about half a dozen senior officers, the Chief Secretary, Home Secretary, etc whom she introduced to me. She then requested me to sit down.I thanked her for giving me an appointment, and then submitted to her the memorandum I had prepared in which was mentioned the request for an allowance to retired High Court Judges. She read it, and said she will certainly consider it ( it was subsequently granted ).I then told her that I respected her because she never interfered with the functioning of the judiciary when I was Chief Justice of Madras High Court, and never asked me to recommend any name for Judgeship.I then told her that Tamilians should learn Hindi, as it was in their interest to do so as they faced great difficulty when they go out of Tamilnadu. She said that there was a reaction in Tamilnadu because some North Indian politicians tried to impose Hindi. I agreed with her that those North Indian politicians were wrong. This is the age of democracy, and nothing should be imposed. However all that is now in the past, and Tamilians should reconsider. I then said that I was told that she knew Hindi. At this she smiled, and started speaking in fluent Hindi, and we spoke in Hindi for the next 5 minutes. I was half inclined to tell her that she looked pretty, but decided that discretion is the better part of valour !"

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Real Father of the Indian Nation:

Markandey Katju says that Gandhiji as A British Agent. Now he moving further steps ahead and says that Akbar as Father of the Indian Nation.
The following are words of Markandey Katju:

"The Real Father of the Indian Nation
' Mahatma ' Gandhi is called the father of the Indian nation. But , as I have pointed out in my previous post, Gandhi in fact did great harm to India, and he has wrongly been called the Father of the nation.
The real Father of the Indian nation was the great Mughal Emperor Akbar ( 1542-1605 ). What we Indians are today is largely because of the solid foundation laid by Akbar. Because of Akbar, we are Indians, not just Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis etc.
And yet the tragedy is that many Hindus call Akbar a Muslim, while many Muslims call him a Hindu ( because he observed many Hindu festivals and ceremonies ), which proves my point that 90% Hindus and 90% Muslims in India are fools. The truth is that while being a Sunni Muslim, Akbar was a true Indian.
Akbar saw that India was a country of great diversity ( see my article ' What is India ? ' on my blog and the ). Hence the only way to keep India united was by giving equal respect to all communities and sects. It was because of this realization that Akbar adopted the wise policy of Suleh-e-Kul, that is, Universal Toleration of all Religions.
In this respect, Akbar was far ahead of his times, and far ahead of even Europeans who were at that time massacring each other in the name of religion, Catholics massacring Protestants e.g. the St. Bartholomew Day massacre in 1572 by Catholics of the minority Protestant community ( called Huguenots ) in France, the massacre of Protestants by the Spanish Duke of Alba in Holland, the burning at the stake ( auto de fe ) of heretics during the Inquisition, etc, the subsequent massacre of Catholics in Ireland by Cromwell, and the mutual massacre of Catholics and Protestants in the Thirty Year War in Germany ( 1618-1648 ) as well as the killing of Jews by Christians throughout Europe ( culminating in the Holocaust in the Second World War, 1939-1945 ).
In my judgment in the Supreme Court in Hinsa Virodhak Sangh vs.Mirzapur Moti Koresh Jamaat, 2011 ( see online ) I observed :
" The architect of modern India was the great Mughal Emperor Akbar who gave equal respect to people of all communities and appointed them to the highest offices on their merits irrespective of their religion, caste, etc.
The Emperor Akbar held discussions with scholars of all religions and gave respect not only to Muslim scholars, but also to Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Sikhs, etc. Those who came to his court were given respect and the Emperor heard their views, sometimes alone, and sometimes in the Ibadatkhana (Hall of Worship), where people of all religions assembled and discussed their views in a tolerant spirit.
The Emperor declared his policy of Suleh-e-Kul, which meant universal tolerance of all religions and communities. He abolished Jeziya in 1564 and the pilgrim tax in 1563 on Hindus and permitted his Hindu wife to continue to practise her own religion even after their marriage. This is evident from the Jodha Bai Palace in Fatehpur Sikri which is built on Hindu architectural pattern.
In 1578, the Parsi theologian Dastur Meherji Rana was invited to the Emperor 's court and he had detailed discussions with Emperor Akbar and acquainted him about the Parsi religion. Similarly, the Jesuit Priests Father Antonio Monserrate, Father Rodolfo Acquaviva and Father Francisco Enriques etc. also came to the Emperor 's court on his request and acquainted him about the Christian religion. The Emperor also became acquainted with Sikhism and came into contact with Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das (see`The Mughal Empire by R.C. Majumdar).
Thus, as stated in the Cambridge History of India (Vol.IV The Mughal Period) Emperor Akbar conceived the idea of becoming the father of all his subjects, rather than the leader of only the Muslims, and he was far ahead of his times. As mentioned by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in `The Discovery of India , " Akbar 's success is astonishing, for he created a sense of oneness among the diverse elements of India ".
In 1582, the Emperor invited and received a Jain delegation consisting of Hiravijaya Suri, Bhanuchandra Upadhyaya and Vijayasena Suri. Jainism, with its doctrine of non-violence, made a profound impression on him and influenced his personal life. He curtailed his food and drink and ultimately abstained from flesh diet altogether for several months in the year. He renounced hunting which was his favourite pastime, restricted the practice of fishing and released prisoners and caged birds. Slaughter of animals was prohibited on certain days and ultimately in 1587 for about half the days in the year.
Akbar 's contact with Jains began as early as 1568, when Padma Sunder who belonged to the Nagpuri Tapagaccha was honoured by him.
As mentioned in Dr. Ishwari Prasad 's `The Mughal Empire' , the Jains had a great influence on the Emperor. A disputation was held in Akbar s court between the Jain monks Buddhisagar of Tapgaccha and Suddha Kirti of Khartargaccha on the subject of Jain religious ceremony called Pansadha in which the winner was given the title Jagatguru by Akbar.
Having heard of the virtues and learning of Hir Vijaya Suri in 1582 the Emperor sent an invitation to him through the Mughal Viceroy at Ahmedabad. Suri accepted it in the interests of his religion. He was offered money by the Viceroy to defray the expenses of the journey but he refused. The delegation consisting of Hir Vijaya Suri, Bhanu Chandra Upadhyaya and Vijaya Sen Suri started on their journey and walked on foot to Fatehpur Sikri and were received with great honour befitting imperial guests.
Hir Vijaya Suri had discussions with Abul Fazl. He propounded the doctrine of Karma and an impersonal God. When he was introduced to the Emperor he defended true religion and told him that the foundation of faith should be daya (compassion) and that God is one though he is differently named by different faiths.
The Emperor received instruction in Dharma from Suri who explained the Jain doctrines to him. He discussed the existence of God and the qualities of a true Guru and recommended non-killing (Ahinsa). The Emperor was persuaded to forbid the slaughter of animals for six months in Gujarat and to abolish the confiscation of the property of deceased persons, the Sujija Tax (Jeziya) and a Sulka (possibly a tax on pilgrims) and to free caged birds and prisoners. He stayed for four years at Akbar' s court and left for Gujarat in 1586. He imparted a knowledge of Jainism to Akbar and obtained various concessions to his religion. The Emperor is said to have taken a vow to refrain from hunting and expressed a desire to leave off meat- eating for ever as it had become repulsive.
When Suri was leaving for Ahmedabad,the Emperor presented to him Padma Sundar scriptures which were preserved in his palace. He offered them to Suri as a gift and he was pressed by the Emperor to accept them. The killing of animals was forbidden for certain days.
Emperor Akbar was a propagator of Suleh-i-Kul (universal toleration) at a time when Europeans were indulging in religious massacres e.g. the St. Bartholomew Day massacre in 1572 of Protestants, (called Huguenots) in France by the Catholics, the burning at the stake of Protestants by Queen Mary of England, the massacre by the Duke of Alva of millions of people for their resistance to Rome and the burning at the stake of Jews during the Spanish Inquisition. We may also mention the subsequent massacre of the Catholics in Ireland by Cromwell, and the mutual massacre of Catholics and Protestants in Germany during the thirty year war from 1618 to 1648 in which the population of Germany was reduced from 18 million to 12 million. Thus, Emperor Akbar was far ahead of even the Europeans of his times.
Emperor Akbar himself abstained from eating meat on Fridays and Sundays and on some other days, as has been mentioned in the Ain-I-Akbari by Abul Fazl.
It was because of the wise policy of toleration of the Great Emperor Akbar that the Mughal empire lasted for so long, and hence the same wise policy of toleration alone can keep our country together despite so much diversity. ".
The tragedy is that the 90% fools and idiots living in India today do not even know who is the real Father of their Nation !
It is said that Gandhi gave us Independence in 1947. This is totally false. In fact by diverting the genuine revolutionary independence struggle against the British in India ( see my previous post ) to harmless and nonsensical channels like ' Satyagrah ' Gandhi was ensuring that India should not become independent.
Why then did the British leave ? Surely it was not because of the dramas Gandhi was doing ( fasting, salt march, etc ). Does anyone give up an Empire because of this ?
No, it was because Germany attacked England in the Second World War and considerably weakened it ( in fact Germany would probably have conquered England if America had not helped it ) that England, realizing that she could not continue holding on to India politically, withdrew. So it is not Gandhi who gave us Independence but Adolf Hitler ( though of course that was not his intention )."

His thoughts make many angry and few felt that this is why India's judicial system not functioning properly.

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Markandey Katju's comments on Gandhiji:

Markandey Katju says Mahatma Gandhiji as A British Agent:

The following is the comments of Markandey Katju about Gandhiji:
"Gandhi---A British Agent
This post is bound to draw a lot of flak at me, but that does not matter as I am not a popularity seeker I have often said things knowing that initially that will make me very unpopular, and I will be vilified and denounced by many. Nevertheless I say such I believe they must be said in my country's interest.
I submit that Gandhi was objectively a British agent who did great harm to India.
These are my reasons for saying this :
1. India has tremendous diversity, so many religions, castes, races, languages, etc ( see my article ' What is India ?' on my blog ). Realizing this the British policy was of divide and rule ( see online ' History in the Service of Imperialism ' , which is a speech delivered by Prof. B.N. Pande in the Rajya Sabha ).
By constantly injecting religion into politics continuously for several decades, Gandhi furthered the British policy of divide and rule.
If we read Gandhi's public speeches and writings ( e.g. in his newspapers 'Young India', ' Harijan ', etc ) we find that ever since Gandhi came to India from South Africa in 1915 or so till his death in 1948, in almost every speech or article he would emphasize Hindu religious ideas e.g. Ramrajya, Go Raksha ( cow protection ), brahmacharya ( celibacy ), varnashram dharma ( caste system ), etc ( see Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi ).
Thus Gandhi wrote in ' Young India ' on 10.6.1921 " I am a Sanatani Hindu. I believe in the varnashram dharma. I believe in protection of the cow ". In his public meetings the Hindu bhajan ' Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram ' would be loudly sung.
Now Indians are a religious people, and they were even more religious in the first half of the 20th century. A sadhu or swamiji may preach such ideas to his followers in his ashram, but when they are preached day in and day out by a political leader, what effect will these speeches and writings have on an orthodox Muslim mind ? It would surely drive him towards a Muslim organization like the Muslim League, and so it did. Was this not serving the British policy of divide and rule ? By constantly injecting religion into politics for several decades, was Gandhi not objectively acting as a British agent ?
2. In India a revolutionary movement against British rule had started in the early 20th century under the Anushilan Samiti, Jugantar, and revolutionaries like Surya Sen, Ramprasad Bismil ( who wrote the song ' Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil mein hai ), Chandrashekhar Azad, Ashfaqulla, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, etc ( who were all hanged by the British ). Gandhi successfully diverted the freedom struggle from this revolutionary direction to a harmless nonsensical channel called Satyagrah. This also served British interests.
3. Gandhi's economic ideas were thoroughly reactionary. He advocated self sufficient village communities, though everybody knows that these communities were totally casteist and in the grip of landlords and money lenders..Gandhi was against industrialization, and preached handspinning by charkha and other such reactionary nonsense. Similarly, his ' trusteeship ' theory was all nonsense, and an act of deceiving the people
Some people praise Gandhi's bravery in going to Noakhali, etc to douse the communal violence at the time of Partition. But the question is why did he help setting the house on fire in the first place by preaching religious ideas in public political meetings for several decades, which were bound to divide the Indian people on religious lines? First you set the house on fire, and then you do the drama of trying to douse the flames."

Markandey Katju shows his anger over caste system and religious difference in the country. But he goes over board and said that the Gandhiji as the reason for separation.
Most of the followers of Markandey Katju in the social media network is not happy about his comments on Gandhiji. 

Skype worm reloaded:

 Skype worm reloaded again. The same old scenario is used to propagate. It all started with a message from the infected system and posing a legit link and seems to be a funny video. But at the end, it will ask you install add-ons or plugins to play that video.

Once you installed it, that is it. Your skype will send the same kind of message to your friends.

list of malicious domain related with this skype worm:

 please don't visit it: ( #skypeworm )


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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Job Scam Emails: (Infosys JOB)

 Today I want to share a post on job scams via email. Earlier, I posted on nigerian scams or online frauds. 

Let see the scam:

content of the email:

Infosys Recruitment 2015

Kindly send your update Curriculum Vitae/Resume for job description.

James Carrick
Hr Executive

I checked the send address details:

from: Infosys <>

bcc: ******
date: 12 January 2015 at 05:03
subject: Infosys
Signed by:
- Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

It looks suspicious to me, because of the send address and the mail formats. So I replied them to look forward any attachments. I received a word doc. Scanned the word doc with officemalscanner for any malicious codes. But, nothing found. Still, I viewed that doc in controlled environment.

Content of the doc:

They also mentioned that salary range is from Rs.98,981.00/- Rs.400982/-. For the interview process, they asked as to pay 26000/-. I am very sure about that no IT company will ask these kind of silly stuffs.

All we need small amount of seriousness and little awareness about the cyber security threats.
Please share this information with your friends and family and stay away from these kinds of scams.

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