Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Process and Thread:

A process is a program or application that is currently running on a computer. It is an instance of a program that is being executed by the operating system. A process has its own memory space, which means that it can access and manipulate its own data without interfering with other processes. A process can also have multiple threads, which are lightweight units of execution that run within the context of a process. Threads allow a process to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, and they share the same memory space as the process. Each process has its own state, which can be running, waiting, or blocked. The operating system is responsible for managing processes and allocating resources such as memory and CPU time. In simple terms, a process is a program that is running on a computer, it has its own memory, and can perform one or more tasks at the same time using threads.

If I want to explain the same to a 10-year-old kid, here it is:

A process is like a program that is running on a computer. It's like a recipe that tells the computer what to do. Just like you need different ingredients to make different dishes, a process needs various resources like memory and computing power to run.

A thread is like a helper in a kitchen. Just like how a helper can do multiple tasks at the same time, a thread can do multiple things at the same time within a process. For example, if a recipe is to make a cake and ice cream, one helper can work on making the cake while another helper can work on making the ice cream. Similarly, one thread can work on one task within a process while another thread can work on a different task.

So, a process is like a recipe, and a thread is like a helper that follows that recipe to ensure the computer is doing what it needs.

A high-level explanation for Processes and Threads

A process is an instance of a program that is being executed by the operating system. It is a self-contained execution environment that consists of its own memory space, system resources, and system state. The memory space of a process is used to store the program code, data, and runtime stack.

A thread, on the other hand, is a lightweight unit of execution that runs within the context of a process. It is a separate flow of control within a process and shares the same memory space as the process. Each thread has its own program counter, stack, and set of register values.

Threads are used to improve the performance and responsiveness of a process by allowing it to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. By using multiple threads, a process can take advantage of the multiple cores available on modern CPUs and reduce the time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete.

Threads also simplify the task of writing concurrent and parallel programs by providing a higher-level abstraction over the underlying operating system primitives.


In summary, a process is a program that is running on a computer and it has its own memory and state. A thread is a lightweight unit of execution that runs within the context of a process, it shares the same memory as the process and allows the program to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. The use of threads improves the performance and responsiveness of a program and simplifies the task of writing concurrent and parallel programs.

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Ursnif Botnet (Capabilities and IOC of a latest specimen)

Specimen details:

SHA256: 6da6fa5a959ad50302b32db9fad3862abcbd0597402941d66935203300d52821

Original file name: animaltech5.exe

Creation Time: 2062-07-25 12:18:00 UTC

IOC details

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