Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How to Remove First 'N' Number of Characters From Given Passage?

The scenario is to remove some fixed character from given list or passage. People with good technical skills use regex to remove the desired number of characters easily.
Quick example given in stackoverflow site:

One of the geek answered this question and his suggestion to use the regex. A regular expression, regex or regexp is, in theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a sequence of characters that define a search pattern.
Geek answer:
:%s/^.\{0,5\}// should do the trick. It also handles cases where there are less than 5 characters.

Geek answer Any other easiest method for non geek? Yes we can actually use excel for removing the desired character length.
-Copy any passage or list of detail to excel.

We just want to remove the first four characters is our task. We need to select data menu then select the option Text to column.

Then we need to select fixed width option. Then click next option, after we can see the marker line
and it can be adjusted as per the need. Check the below snap:

Just adjusting the marker line is enough for you separate those characters from the passage. It will be look like the following:

Now just select the first column and delete that, now we actually removed the first N character.

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