Thursday, July 20, 2017

Command to change the file extensions inside the folder:

Let us take a simple scenario. You got a file and it can be executable or non pe file, without any extension. To run that file, you need to keep the file in correct extension eg: .pdf, .ppt, .js, .exe, etc.
Press F2 key after selecting the file will prompt the user to change the file name. So the user can easily change the file name (it includes the extension of the file).

What if you need to change 'n' number of files extension inside the folder?
It is not easy to chose each and every file then changing the extension of the file inside the folder.
We will give you simple command:

ren *.* *.jpg
ren *.* *.exe

The first comment will add .jpg extension for the files inside the folder. And the second one is changing the extension to .exe. Pretty simple commands will get the job done.
Renaming files extension inside the folder
Refer the above snapshot how it worked in windows platform.

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