Once again, hi to all the future and present billionaires reads this post. In the last post, we talk about how to think like a billionaire. Today, we going to understand about approach called “Think outside the box!” This is a very positive trait of every billionaires world seen.
Let’s move on-
Think you are in a situation to bring up a solution for a problem. You will come with good one, but it doesn’t satisfy the demands. At that point, you feel it is the best solution. But, the truth is the best solution will satisfy the demands.
If you look at a stone as problem, that stone might cover your whole eye sight and vision of the outside world. So, just bring a step back the stone and you will realise the size of the problem is very small! Think outside the box is similar kind of perspective to the problems and solution.
Look at the best example for think outside the box-
3X3 dot puzzle (9 dots)
Problem is- you have to connect all the 9 dots without taking out the pen from the line and only 4 lines allowed to draw.
Many people try out in the same way… and started hitting the walls, it can’t be solved.
Think different… solution is below.
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