Saturday, October 30, 2021

Non-invasive Fitness devices - FOR THE FUTURE:

People love sci-fi movies especially the gadgets used by the characters in the plot. We are living in a world that those gadgets seen in the movie are no more sci-fi stuff. They are a reality now. As a kid, we have seen in a movie where people telecommute for their work and do conference calls via video telecast. Right now, the whole world is doing telecommuting and video conferencing for their daily office works. Marriages happened with the help of video conferencing, in fact, we are living more into the sci-fi world now.

The emergence of fitness tracker

A couple of decades ago, we used to go walking, cycling, running, and swimming was considered the main fitness activity. Apart from this, many use timing as their method of measuring the exercise routine. Similarly, some sets of people aim for the known locations or count numbers in the reps. For say, 200 skipping the rope or 20 minutes of cycling or 10 rounds of running the cricket ground. 

A decade ago, people started to sense the emergence of fitness trackers where a fitness band or watch could track your performance like steps count and calories burnt. They tend to add a few more things like a workout base calorie counter, sleep trackers and all these details can be visible via a smartphone application. When you fast forward to the end of this decade, we found the exponential improvement in the scale of features added to the fitness tracker. 

How did I react to a fitness tracker band in 2013?

I was working in a malware analysis lab in the year 2013. One of my fellow researchers (my colleague and my roommate) is known for buying the latest gadgets in the market. He bought headphones for 500 USD and a mobile phone for the USD 600-700 range. And he always carries a high-end gaming laptop with good solid portable disks. As a roommate and colleague, I felt he was a cool guy. One day he comes up with a fitness tracker that cost around 200 USD. Seeing the fitness tracker for the first time and hearing about the cost, I reacted that it was a totally a waste to spend money on a fitness tracker.

Social status

Realized after some time the tracker became one of the symbols of social status like the mobile phone. Fitness tracker evolved as almost like mobile phone not just as watch or tracker. Remember, in the initial days of mobile phones in the international market, people started using their social status and started saying that the mobile phone can also be used to check the time, calendar and even it replaced the phone book registers in the home. Even Elon Musk told in the interview that he stopped using watches because his phones showed the time. Using the reverse strategy, the innovators come up with the idea of the watch that can be used as a phone. And they started charging in the cost range of a mobile phone. For instead, the Apple watch sold at the price range of 500 USD and the Samsung Galaxy Watch is nearly 300-400 USD in cost. It finally evolved as an indicator of social status.

For the Future- Non Invasive fitness device

With the current technology, we can easily track things like blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate and track the number of steps count. But in recent days, one could use devices like Apple Watch to measure the ECG, respiration rate (during sleep) and Samsung Galaxy Watch to measure the body composition of the user. But, wait... 

We are yet to see the future, things like purely non-invasive technology. That technology will be able to measure blood pressure accurately without missing any points for systolic and diastolic measurements. On top of that, it may measure the blood glucose level as we are measuring the SPO2 now. Further, it will be added with other vital readings, and blood function test results without using the method of traditional invasive method. 

We need to wait for a few years to see the innovation and ideas which we mentioned in this post.

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Monday, May 3, 2021

Cricketing Stats guru of South India!!!

 In the era of cyberspace, social media platforms allow people to gain attention by staging a platform for them to show their talents in the desired field. Many usually show acting skills, dancing/singing but rarely we seen someone show their skills on analytics part. In this post, we are going to cover such a young talent from India (hailing from Southern part of the country) who known to be as 'Stats Anna' by his social media followers. Shebas Alam, an engineering graduate from Tamil Nadu and most famously known for his cricket stats and analysis. He have huge set of followers in social media platforms like FB, Insta and Twitter. 

Apart from his cricket stats, he is known to be a fanatic of Sachin Tendulkar, one of the greatest batsman ever played the game. Regarding the count of the followers in his social media accounts:

  • His current twitter account had13.6k plus followers,
  • Instagram 6.7k plus followers.
One of his old Instagram account had 38k followers, but disabled due to issues related to copyright for the sports video content. Most of his tweets and FB status related to stats where copied by famous cricketing pages like middlestump and others (without even giving credits for his work). In recent IPL, Irfan Pathan shared one of his stats during the commentary and the fellow commentator Akash Chopra acknowledged the stats shared by Irfan Pathan was the father of all the stats. 
Shebas Alam had chance to share a fan moment with Rohit Sharma in the online:

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Some of the stats from Shebas Alam were covered in our earlier posts:

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Importance of training both fists for punching

Recently I have been watching a Tamil flick, Master, acted by Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi. It's a good action film and one of the highest gross Tamil film in the year 2021. I want to give a few details which I observed in this movie. The character of Vijay Sethupathi, Bhavani, was in the juvenile detention facility and been tortured by the warden (as instructed by the killers of Bhavani's parents). After getting numerous beatings from the detention facility warden, he started punching the wall as practice. He always uses his right-hand fist to punch the wall. 

Punching exercise will create a microfracture in the knuckles and grow stronger. Like I mentioned he always use the right-hand fist for training and never shown using the left arm fist for punching. In several scenes, he faces his enemy and beaten with his strong right-hand punch. Mostly a single punch create devastating damage to his enemies. 

All the greatest boxers are known for generating good power from both hands. That is one step closer to becoming legendary boxers. In the apex scene, he needs to face the protagonist, Vijay, in his role as JD, a college professor, known for college fights. JD is known for using tactics, one could easily be seen from the college politics scene how he managed to filter the thugs from the student's group. 

When JD and Bhavani faceoff in the climax fight, Bhavani appears to generate more power using his right-hand punch training. JD got a brutal attack and almost collapsed. But JD somehow manages to stand up for one more round. This time he understands the strength and weakness of Bhavani. Yes, Bhavani got strong right arm punching power. So, JD used a trick to damage it. (Please watch the fight scene, you will understand. It is available on Amazon prime). After the damage to his right-hand knuckles, Bhavani couldn't fight anymore. If he trained both the hand for punching, he could have won the fight, and the movie might end up with a different story.

This article is just to showcase the importance of the training for non-dominant hand, so it might be helpful in close quarters.

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How Bailey bridge supported the allied forces to overpower the axis in the world war II?

World War II - backdrop

When two sides fight with nothing to stop them, a clear winner emerges quickly. In reality, however, there are still obstacles between the two parties. There were two main sides in World War II during the unfortunate period last century: the Allies and the Axis. 

  1. The United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, and a few other nations made up the Allied Powers. 
  2. Germany, Italy, and Japan were the principal Axis powers. 

The Axis powers were retreating toward the end of World War II, while the Allies pressed forward against them. The Axis couldn't stand a chance against the Allies. The Allies had access to armaments that the Axis couldn't match thanks to US support. The Allies had an air force capable of going deep into Axis territory. 

The Allies had an air force capable of flying deep into Axis territory and dropping bombs. Airborne bombs can do a lot of damage. However, they are never enough to truly defeat the opposing side. For a war to truly have a winner and a loser, one side must control the land. Tanks are the only way to control land, according to defence experts. Nothing else works. There are only tanks. The Axis side possessed a formidable tank known as the Tiger tank. The Allies devised a solution: the Churchill tank. 

Churchill tank

Without going into too much detail, it was absolutely monstrous. The Axis powers pulled off a neat trick here. They couldn't stand a chance against the Churchill tank. What if the Churchill tank never arrived? Europe's terrain is dotted with numerous small rivers and streams. They destroyed almost all of the bridges that crossed them. Churchill's tank weighed 36 tonnes (your average hatchback car weighs 1 ton, to give some context). 

What is the best way for a tank to cross a river? No, it does not. It requires a bridge. It didn't matter if the Churchill tank existed or not without a bridge. What is the other option? Soldiers can cross rivers and streams on boats pulled by light vehicles such as Jeeps. Unfortunately, those soldiers in Jeeps would come face to face with a tank as they crossed the river. No less a tank than the Tiger tank. The only way forward was to construct a bridge. How long does that process take? At least a couple of months? 

Bailey bridge

A conventional bridge is not something that any army has time for. As a result, they devised an unusual one. Bailey's bridge. A Bailey bridge resembles a Lego toy. Its main component is a rectangular structure with two 45-degree squares inside it. Pins can be used to join these pieces together. Each of these weighed no more than 250 kg. This meant that it could be raised by 6 people without the use of cranes. It also meant that it could be transported to far-flung locations in small trucks. A Baliey bridge can be built in a matter of hours by a military unit without use of cranes. It is now used by many armies all across the world. Yes, the Indian Army employs it as well. By the way, these bridges are quite strong and durable. They are capable of transporting the Churchill tank. Without delving too deeply into tragic wartime tales, the Bailey bridge allowed the Allies to use their tanks. Except for one thing, the Allied had done everything correctly. 


When that missing link was observed, they were ready to use whatever else they had done correctly. You can do everything accurately, and though none of that will matter if key parts are not accomplished.


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Friday, March 12, 2021

Biology Weekly - An interesting YouTube Channel on genetics (Tamil and English)

 Recently, I found an interesting YouTube Channel on genetics, titled Biology Weekly.

After seeing this channel, I actually want to make a blog about a few things which I really cared about all the time. But first, my views on this channel. It was founded by Vandana Revathi, who holds a PhD in evolutionary biology. The channel is newly started and she frequently uploaded very informative videos as presentation slides and followed by her explanation. All the topics are covered in both Tamil and English so that her contents could be reached to both Tamil and non-Tamil speakers. It is too early to compare whether this channel will be evolved with more followers like LMES or Mr GK, but this is the only Tamil YouTube biology-based channel started by a PhD holder (First PhD holder Tamil YouTube channel was founded by Dr Jithendra, which as more than one million subscribers and titled as Psychology in Tamil). 

The whole idea of creating a blog post on these YouTube channels is pretty simple because I support science people. I usually spent quality time seeing YouTube videos from other parts of the world. Now it is the time to support my people who share great ideas via videos on social media. If we started our support to them, they can work on bringing quality content.

An interesting fact: Dr Vandana is the daughter of the famous scientist, science communicator Dr T. V. Venkateshwaran.

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Papers on Reverse Engineering Malware

Discover the Best Papers on Reverse Engineering Reverse engineering has always been a fascinating and vital aspect of cybersecurity. Wheth...