Monday, June 22, 2015

What is persistent in the context of malware or cyber security?

Persistent – Operators give priority to a specific task, rather than opportunistically seeking information for financial or other gain. This distinction implies that the attackers are guided by external entities. The targeting is conducted through continuous monitoring and interaction in order to achieve the defined objectives. It does not mean a barrage of constant attacks and malware updates. In fact, a "low-and-slow" approach is usually more successful. If the operator loses access to their target they usually will reattempt access, and most often, successfully. One of the operator's goals is to maintain long-term access to the target, in contrast to threats who only need access to execute a specific task.

Unmasking Royalty: The Power of Due Diligence in Exposing Fraud

 Today, I read an article in Groww (trading platform) on due diligence. I thought of writing it here in our blog: Due diligence is essential...