Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Really Want for Christmas- Bill Gates

The following post was shared by one of the greatest billionaires of all time. Yes, it is Mr. Bill Gates. I m really glad to share his words on what he really wants for the christmas:

"Each year, around this time, friends and business partners start sending presents to my office. The reception desk gets covered with tins of candy, boxes of cookies, sometimes a few bottles of wine. It’s all very nice. But what I’d really like is a flock of chicks or maybe some honeybees.
Let me explain what I mean. I’m touched that people think to send holiday treats. It’s a fun tradition. My team at the office always looks forward to the flavored popcorn that one of our partners sends every year. So I don’t want to sound ungrateful or deprive my colleagues of caramel corn.
But I can’t help thinking that the money spent on these gifts could go to people who need it more than I do.
For example you might know about Heifer International, a non-profit that lets you buy an animal for a family in need. Send Heifer $30 and someone gets honeybees. $120 buys a pig. There are lots of other options too.
You can even give an animal or other donation in someone else’s name. So if you’re looking for a gift to send your clients and partners this year, you could donate to a group like Heifer on their behalf. They will get a card acknowledging your gift. They’ll have to go get their own cookies, but on the bright side, they will know that your generosity in their name really helped someone.
Heifer is part of a project that Melinda and I are supporting this year called Giving Tuesday. The idea is to take one day out of your holiday shopping and dedicate it to giving back. The Giving Tuesday web site lists lots of great organizations that need your support. (Although Giving Tuesday falls on December 3, you can donate any time.) Melinda and
I have posted our list of four groups that we think are especially effective, including Heifer, but there are many others to choose from. If you run a non-profit, becoming a partner with Giving Tuesday could be a great way to connect with new donors.
I’d encourage you to check out the groups taking part in Giving Tuesday. You could help them make a tangible difference in someone’s life, which is just about the best gift any of us could ask for."

I m really amazed of his views. We always scold rich guys not spending their cents for noble cause, but what we done! Nothing. We can grab such a qualities from person like Bill Gates.
Merry Christmas...

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Monday, November 25, 2013

post regarding stress management:

Very recently, i found a post on stress management by

Greg McKeown

Author of "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less." (in linkedin).

 It would be helpful for many, so i m sharing that post here!


Reduce Your Stress in 2 Minutes a Day-

ill Rielly had it all: a degree from West Point, an executive position at Microsoft, strong faith, a great family life and plenty of money. He even got along well with his in-laws! So why did he have so much stress and anxiety that he could barely sleep at night? I have worked with Bill for several years now and we both believe his experience could be useful for other capable, driven individuals.
At one time no level of success seemed enough for Bill. He learned at West Point that the way to solve problems was to persevere through any pain. But this approach didn’t seem to work with reducing his stress. When he finished his second marathon a few minutes slower than his goal, he felt he had failed. So to make things “right” he ran another marathon just five weeks later. His body rejected this idea, and he finished an hour slower than before. Finally, his wife convinced him to figure out what was really driving his stress. He spent the next several years searching for ways to find more joy in the journey. In the process he found five tools. Each was ordinary enough but together they proved life-changing and enabled his later success as an Apple executive.
Breathing. He started small by taking three deep breaths each time he sat down at his desk. He found it helped him relax. After three breaths became a habit, he expanded to a few minutes a day. He found he was more patient, calmer, more in the moment. Now he does 30 minutes a day. It restores his perspective while enabling him to take a fresh look at a question or problem and come up with new solutions. Deep breathing exercises have been part of yoga practices for thousands of years, but recent research done at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital document the positive impact deep breathing has on your body's ability to deal with stress.
Meditating. When Bill first heard about meditation, he figured it was for hippies. But he was surprised to find meditators he recognized: Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Marc Benioff and Russell Simmons among them. Encouraged, he started with a minute a day. His meditation consisted of "body scanning” which involved focusing his mind and energy on each section of the body from head to toe. Recent research at Harvard has shown meditating for as little as 8 weeks can actually increase the grey matter in the parts of the brain responsible for emotional regulation and learning. In other words, the meditators had increased their emotional control and brain power!
Listening. Bill found if he concentrated on listening to other people the way he focused when he meditated his interaction immediately became richer. The other person could feel he was listening, almost physically. And when they knew he was listening they formed a bond with him faster. Life almost immediately felt richer and more meaningful. As professor Graham Bodie has empirically noted, listening is the quintessential positive interpersonal communication behavior.
Questioning. This tool isn’t about asking other people questions, it’s about questioning the thoughts your mind creates. Just because your mind creates a thought doesn’t make it true. Bill got in the habit of asking himself "Is that thought true?" And if he wasn’t absolutely certain it was, he just let it go. He said: “Thank your mind for coming up with the thought and move on. I found this liberating because it gave me an outlet for negative thoughts, a relief valve I didn't have before.” The technique of questioning your thoughts has been popularized by Byron Katie who advocates what she calls “the great undoing.” Her experience and research show there is power in acknowledging rather than repressing negative thoughts. Instead of trying to ignore something we believe to be true, questioning allows us to see our thoughts “face to face” so to speak and to discredit them because they are untrue.
Purpose. Bill committed to living with purpose. Not so much his life’s purpose. It was easier than that. He committed to purposefully doing whatever he was doing. To be doing it and only it. If he decided to watch TV he really watched it. If he was having a meal he took the time to enjoy the meal.

There is research to support Bill’s experience. In “A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons: An Empirical Study of Work Without Email” Gloria Mark and Armand Cardello cite evidence to suggest knowledge workers check email as much as 36 times an hour. The result is increased stress.
Giving each activity your undivided attention ensures you're in the moment and fully living that experience.

An important key for Bill in all of this was starting small—very small. It’s important because you can’t take on stress in a stressful way. Often we try to bring about change through sheer effort and we put all of our energy into a new initiative. But you can’t beat stress using the same techniques that created the stress in the first place.
Instead, the key is to do less than you feel you want to. If you feel like breathing for two minutes, do it for just one minute. If you are up for a day of really listening to people deeply, do it for the next meeting only. Leave yourself eager to try it again. What you want is to develop a sustainable habit: a stress-free approach to reducing your stress.

Get a free excerpt from Greg's upcoming book, "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by subscribing here.

Follow Greg here by clicking the yellow FOLLOW above and on Twitter @GregoryMcKeown.

Photo: Kryvenok Anastasiia / shutterstock. Originally posted on Harvard Business Review."

I hope you enjoy this post.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Javascript to display date and time:

The following script will display date and time:

function displaydate()

In the html page, you can add this code inside the html code. If you want add a button, by clicking that button it will display the current date and time, you can use the id. Here, i mentioned getElementById ("s"). Same way you can use whatever variable in that place.
<p id="s"></p>

<button type="button" onclick="displayDate()">Display Date</button>

Try this out. You will get the result.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

How WIRED’s Readers Could Help Change the World: Bill Gates

How WIRED’s Readers Could Help Change the World: From Bill Gates

The following post is quotes from Bill Gates:
I’ve been lucky to have two full-time jobs in my life that I love, first at Microsoft and now at the Gates Foundation. Today I get to add another temporary job to my resume: guest editor of WIRED.
I worked on the December 2013 issue—or 21.12, in WIRED-ese—which is available now. Actually WIRED’s team of writers and editors did most of the work. Here on LinkedIn, I want to share a few thoughts about one of the main themes we explore in the issue. It’s the idea of getting the private sector more involved in the fight against extreme poverty and disease. I thought this theme would be a great fit for all the scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs whose talents could improve life for the poorest 2 billion.
Some people who work on global health or development object to the idea of working with businesses. But to me, it is by far the best way to drive innovation that will help the poor. Pharmaceutical companies can make new vaccines. Agricultural companies can develop new crop varieties adapted for a changing climate. Telecom companies can develop new ways for the poor to build up savings accounts or send money back home. If you care about fighting disease and poverty, you can’t afford to ignore all this expertise.
There is always the issue of how firms can benefit the poor and still make enough profit to stay afloat. One example that I really like from the WIRED issue is a story about Bridge Academies. I think this is a great untold story that more people should know about. Bridge is a for-profit company (which I’m an investor in) that has developed an innovative approach to primary-school education in sub-Saharan Africa. Bridge’s CEO cites McDonald’s and Starbucks as models. The idea is to create a system of schools that can be replicated again and again, using a template for everything from setting up schools to enrolling children, hiring teachers, and designing a curriculum. That both ensures consistency across the schools and creates economies of scale that keep overhead low. Bridge Academies currently serve 50,000 students at 214 schools in Kenya, each paying $5 a month to attend.
It’s not necessarily a model that would work in the United States, where we give individual teachers a lot of control. But it’s hard to argue with the results so far in Kenya. As the article says, “Even the lowest-performing Bridge students are beating out their peers at a sample of government and other private schools. In reading comprehension, the gap is as high as 205 percent.” I’d encourage you to read the whole article. And if you run a company, I’d encourage you to follow the example set by Bridge’s founders: learn about the problems of the poorest and see if you can use your expertise to make a difference.
Of course, the private sector can’t solve every problem. I contributed an essay about how governments and philanthropy reach people whose needs are ignored by markets, and how that idea helped Melinda and me pick the issues we work on. President Bill Clinton was kind enough to sit down for an extended conversation with writer Steven Levy and me. Another story features gadgets that I wish existed. There’s an amazing article that takes you behind the scenes of the campaign to eradicate polio in Afghanistan—it’s dangerous work, and you get a powerful sense of how courageous vaccine workers are.
There’s much more in the issue, of course. I’m really proud of it and hope you have a chance to take a look."

I hope that you also read this in the voice of bill gates like i did: :)

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Beware of facebook award scam:

Over the ages, we are receiving lot scam mails and fraud lottery mails in our spam box. Most of the times, facebook name also dragged in such mails. Say, facebook awards!

Very recently, people received mail from "award@info480.onmicrosoft.com" as Facebook awards.
People need to understand about these scams. There are tons of such formats in scams, such as bbc lottery. All are 419 scam (nigerian scam).
In this mail, they asked the user to open the doc which is attached in the mail. It contains following message:

"Facebook UK Office
Address  71 Broadwick Street, 3rd
Renault UK.

Tel Number:+447010572235/ +447010033642
Facebook the largest Social Networking site valued more than $100 Billion Dollars and also expecting its One Billion Users to come mainly from Mobile devices than desktop Users by 2012, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg has decided to boost Users and Companies a WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY by Lottery Program and Initial Public Offer said in a press release.
So We are pleased to inform you of the result of the MONTHLY DRAW held on (18th NOV. 2013) by Facebook Company in cash Promotion to encourage the usage of Facebook users worldwide, your Name and Email was among the 50 Lucky winners who won 750,000:00 GBP (Seven Hundred Thousand & Fifty Great British Pounds) each on the Facebook promotion Award 
TICKET NUMBER (5647600545189), 
REF NO (2551256002/244) AND SERIAL NUMBER (55643451907)

The online draw was Conducted by a random selection of email you where picked by an Advanced automated random computer search from the Facebook in other to claim your 750.000.00 GBP the lottery program which is a new innovation by Facebook, His aimed at saying A BIG THANK to you all our users for making Facebook your number one Social Networking to hook up with their families and friends all over the World.
This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants and Scam artists All participants were selected through a computer ballot system with their email addresses and names from all over the world.
1. Full Names:
2. Resident Address:
3. Date of Birth:
4. Your Mobile Number:
5. Sex:
6. Marital Status:
7. Winning Email address:
8. Your Occupation:
You are required to contact our dispatch dept with your above details via email (facebk2013@live.com) in order for us to complete your Winning Certificate and for further information regarding the disbursement of your lottery win. 
Facebook Prize Administrator 

Congratulations winner 
Copyright © 2013 Facebook  Internet Lottery. All Rights Reserved."

- mentioning of the names and photos of the facebook official (very cheeky)
-showing the facebook address
-giving ticket number and reference number

Steps to follow:
-Be skeptical

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Secret Ingredient for Success (part I)

Secret Ingredient for Success:

It is nothing. Yes, nothing. Nothing can be everything, everything can be nothing. Understand this note first, and you will understand what is the secret ingredient for success. If you want to be a successful person, please find what is meant success to you. 

I can't give you what is a success? Because, some meaning, earning billions as success and for some getting rich enough is a success and more wants to become a leader as a success. So, I can't give what is a success, since it depends on the person. But I can say the way to success and the secret ingredients of success.

First, choose your field:
It might be computing or hair cutting. It's your wish. And once you choose, never back from the way. People through you the stones but it is in your hands to change them into a milestone.

Sachin Tendulkar- One of the greatest cricketer ever played the game of cricket. He chooses cricket as his life, not a job. He trained and not just played. He felt every game as practice. Finally, what happened was history, everyone knows!
Choose your field. Bill Gates choose software is going to be his life and not a job. He did it. 

Choose your field and battle it, even your opponents are ready to do cheap short at you. Never ever give up. We will see the other ingredients in upcoming posts.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

What is world wide web?

World Wide Web is abbreviated as WWW or W3 and usually seen it before website name. Eg: www.google.com
Imagine a web which is interconnected in the network. If the network is connected over millions of computers and hand held devices to exchange information based on the request. Yes, that

request is HTTP (hyper text transfer protocol). Sometimes, you might seen 'HTTPS', secured way (S for

secured). Probably, you seen them while logging in to your gmail, microsoft accounts,etc.

Eg: "https://gmail.com" -secured, since you are giving password for email account. So, it need to be

secured. Suppose, you are accessing my blog, it won't show you https. it will be "http://edison.newworld.blogspot.com"

Few years back, facebook.com was running without https. Now they are going in secured way! I m glad on that!

In next post, i will give you more details on WWW.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How the term debugging is started in usage?

what is debugging?

The term debugging is very famous in computer world, checking the errors in the software program and removing it.

What is software?
A collection of programs which does prescribed task. You can say an application as software (application software) and say an system programs also a software (system software).

what is programs (computer programs)?

Set of instruction which can be executed to done the purpose for the program is created. If you write a program to find the sum or difference between 2 numbers is a program. To print a text, also a program.

Lets come to what is debugging again...
when the programmer writes a program, it is obivious that bugs might be there. So they will go in to process called debugging by finding the errors and removing it. Debugging is the great way to learn more about how the program flows.

Why the term debugging comes?

Bug means insect. But software programmers say 'bug' means 'error'. Actually, it was started in the 1940's. The creator of the famous computer called 'Mark I' doing their regular works in the Mark I. But one day, it was showing irregular behavior. They started inspecting. Remember, those machines are not like our desktop or laptops. So they started inspecting their machine. They keep on looking and finally they goes to the relays. In that relays, they found a moth. Yes, a moth (insect). It changed the whole history. They removed the moth and checked the 'Mark I'. Now its working fine.

 That day, they made a small note as follows: "Mark I is debugged successfully, today!" - they removed the moth successfully.

Wow, from that moment of time, the term debugging started its journey!

Still, i am debugging :)

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Adobe Hack!

Last month, it was a great news that adobe got hacked and it was massive hack. Those hackers had their hands on more than 38 million customer accounts! (which is pretty Heavy Doc!!! as Marty Mcfly says to doctor E. Brown and he might replied, Great scott!!!)
When the company's spoke person says to the news agencies that "many invalid Adobe IDs, inactive Adobe IDs, Adobe IDs with invalid encrypted passwords and test account data."

And they are expecting more malwares using these techniques. So, it is better recommended to change your banking passwords to avoid being prey for such a stealthy activities made by hackers. I always recommend to change your passwords of all the online accounts periodically to avoid this situation. Yes, prevention is better than cure.

I can go on and say, all the prevailing computer security technologies are giving safer experience to the user, but not safe. Understood the difference between safer and safe. You may be safer now and not safe. Careful, surfing!!!
(Long back, i posted about phishing and please read it - http://edison-newworld.blogspot.com/2013/10/phishing-banker-by-changing-proxy.html )

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BIG NEWS: Teens Are Officially Leaving Facebook

BIG NEWS: Teens Are Officially Leaving Facebook


We learned some big news from Facebook's earnings report: Teens are officially leaving Facebook. 

We already knew that Facebook was no longer the most popular social network for teenagers, but we now have confirmation from the company itself.
Facebook CFO David Ebersam said that although youth engagement on the social network is hard to measure, there was definitely a decrease in daily users among younger teens in Q3.
"This is of questionable significance," Ebersam said, "But we wanted to share this with you now because we get a lot of questions about teens."
Ebersam added that Facebook remains "close to fully penetrated" among teens in the U.S., meaning just about every teenager is already using Facebook there.

This is the news today in yahoo finance.

Lets come to the point. Facebook is cool when it was come to the market. But no more it is not a good business model.  They really need to concentrate more on more social networking rather than advertisers. I really don't know how the market survey is going on. Long back, i made a post that really facebook have 1 billion user...?  

They have 1 billion registered user. But they don't have 1 billion unique user. Lot of fake accounts, some people create their accounts and they don't know how to deactivate or delete the account.

If Facebook really want to grow up to other extend, they really need to change their plans according to a market survey. They have to give some really puzzle solve stuffs and fun activities. There are n number of photo editing sites which have grasp numerous users day by day. Once they got such photos, they will go to facebook and uploading it. If facebook able embed such a features, it will be fine. They can move some more miles without trouble.

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