Monday, April 25, 2016

Who is billionaire?

First of all, we need to understand who is billionaire?!
Because, play the game after you clear with the rules...!

The person who have the wealth or business which values more or equal to 1000 million USD or 1 billion USD or 100 crore American Dollar (Not 1 billion Zimbabwe dollar).

If you read forbes list of billionaires and their wealth... you will get the idea about how their business and how they earned such a name as billionaire!

They don't store their money in locker or save their money in savings account. They are the people who don't allow their money to sleep in the locker and they made it to work for them!

Thanks to the inflation. In the past decade, we seen the billionaire list is growing! Half decade before, it was just 600-700 billionaires in our planet!
But now, it was 1K billionaries!
In next post, we will see about some bench mark billionaires!

- Newworld

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